Growing Picks

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Pick#1 Marqeta (MQ)

Our first pick in the Growing Picks Real Portfolio is Marqeta (MQ).

Company Overview: Marqeta is a financial technology company that provides a payment and card issuing platform for businesses. It was founded in 2010 and went public in June 2021.

Market Potential: Marqeta operates in a growing market, as businesses increasingly seek to digitize their payment processes. The global digital payment market is expected to reach $10.5 trillion by 2026, according to

Competitive Landscape: Marqeta faces competition from other payment processing companies such as Stripe, Square, and PayPal. However, Marqeta’s focus on providing payment solutions to specific industries, such as gig economy platforms and online marketplaces, giving it an edge over broader competitors.

The share of Marqeta today trading around $4.3. For our portfolio we booked the price at $4.37. When Marqeta went public in June 2021, it was trading at $30 with high record in Nov 2021 at $37.90 and low record in Mar 2023 at $3.46, tenth of its highest record ! The revenues is consistently growing. The assets to liabilities is save with price to book ratio of 1.62. A high P/B ratio suggests a stock could be overvalued, while a lower P/B ratio could mean the stock is undervalues and 1.62 considered low.

Below the trends of MQ from being public.

The revenues and net income shown below Quarterly and Yearly. It is true that it is still a starter and losing, but it is expected to be in profit in 2023/2024 and the share will react accordingly. Last Quarter was one of the lowest in loss with the highest in revenues.

On the yearly view below, the growth of revenues was around 44% with only increase 34% in cost which indicate company is going right toward generating profits in future.

The assets to liabilities shown below

All Trends from Google Finance and wish you a successful trading.

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One thought on “Pick#1 Marqeta (MQ)

  • AmalFadel

    نعم انا اشجع ماركيتا 👍😍


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